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Broadway at 77th and Other Short Stories  |   Aired July 22, 2013 | Author: Al Zimbler

Coming Out Can Be Murder  |  Part 1 Aired July 8, 2013 |  Part 2 Aired July 15, 2013 | Author: Renee James

Echoes Of Earth  |   Aired August 12, 2013 | Author: L. Sue Baugh

Jane's Stories IV Bridges and Borders  |   Aired July 29, 2013 | Editors: Shobha Sharma,Glenda Bailey-Marshon
and Linda Mowry

Tell My Sons  |   Part 1 Aired August 19, 2013 |  Part 2 Aired August 26, 2013 | Authors: Lt. Col. Mark M. Weber &
David Murray

Wounded? Survive! Thrive!!!  |   Aired August 5, 2013 | Authors: Millie McGhee-Morris, Ellen Miller